Saturday, May 15, 2010


Daniel is traveling tonight on a plane...I can see the red tail lights...heading for Spaaiiin...oh oh and, I can see Steven waving goodbye. (set to Elton John's tune Daniel)
After much anticipation and stress we awoke at 3am Friday morning to make sure Steven was ready for his 3:50am shuttle ride to the airport. He called me from JFK to say he had arrived in NY safely and sent this picture. Cute, huh? He has arrived in Madrid safely and called via Skype to let me know around 12:15am Saturday. Although he could hear me, I couldn't hear him but got the voicemail later. I will continue to update as I hear more from him and as my poor finger allows. For those of you who do not know, I cut it with a rather large knife Tuesday night and had to get stitches in ER. Steven was a trooper holding my hand while I nearly passed out.

Have fun my sweet man and see you soon!

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