Sunday, May 30, 2010

One Thousand Sixty Three feet above Paris

Built in 1889 as the entry point or arch to the World's Fair, Gustave Eiffel created a vision that became a global icon. Millions flock to it every year to gaze upon its engineering wonder and ascend to the top just as Steven and I did on our last day in Paris together May 29th. As if the height alone were not enough to create a high...we also drank a champagne toast to life, eachother and a fantastic week together. Creating great memories is one our favorite things to do and I don't know what we are going to do to top this one.

Other wonders we visited were the Notre Dame Cathedral with it's immense flying buttresses and incredible history you can read here Notre_Dame_de_Paris, check out this fabulous stained glass window and another photo from the outside.
We also went to a fun wine tasting at a local Cave aka Wine Shop and walked through the Luxembourg Gardens on our way to the most fabulous Italian Dinner for our last night together. Another special memory...I will always cherish our days in Paris.

Sadly, it had to end and this morning we rode the train to the airport and at the terminal had to go our separate ways...Steven to Seattle and me on to Turkey. It is almost 1AM and I think I will turn in now. Have had a few hours in Turkey so far and it is quite a weird and exotic adjustment from France.
Take care and I will update you on tomorrow's adventures.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Paris Ponderings and Art

I cannot even begin to explain the emotion one has when standing in front of one of the great works of Monet or Rodin or even a Cathedral called Chartes that took 300 years to build with it's many angles and stained glass windows. In a is literally breath-taking. It steals your breath, it makes you weep. Not only for the beauty these masters created but also for the tragic lives they led and their stories of inner battle for acceptance in this world. Many never saw their works completed or the grandure of their art hung in a gallery. Yesterday was one of those days that took me by surprise. I was completely taken by Claude Monet's art exhibit "Lily Pond." It inhabits 2 large oval rooms covering all the walls. You are not allowed to talk...just meditate on the art itself. You can take pictures without a flash of which I took many. What an incredible experience. I am humbled.

It started raining in Paris yesterday and continues today. Steven and our friends are out shopping at the local farmers market now as I type this. It is Noon here. We will be preparing a large dinner for our friends and their family who will be visiting us in the apartment tonight. The apartment is a beautiful yet typical parisian apartment with high ceilings, a large living room and very small bedrooms (3 of them). It is in an incrdible location where you can walk around the corner to see the Pantheon where many famous artists are buried...walk a few steps further and you can see the top 1/3 of the Eiffel Tower. We have not visited it yet but will go on Friday. Our friend Dominique has been so gracious to let us stay here with her and Jose. There are so many things to see in a week and we are a bit tired today so have decided to just cook and enjoy our friends company on this rainy day.

I hope you are all well. I will continue to update you on our incredible journey for the remainder of this week then on to Turkey by myself to meet up with my friends on Sunday.
Take care,

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Loire

Yesterday we drove to the countryside to stay with friends and visit the beautiful castles and wine regions of France. We have been lucky to have beautiful warm weather and are now relaxing on the internet Hotel patio of a very small village in the Loire. Yesterday we visited several beautiful castles (Chambord and Chenonceaux) and a huge wine tasting of Vouvray in a large and winding cave with modern floor and lighting. It was amazing! Having a wonderful time in France. Enjoy the pictures.
Teri and Steven

Friday, May 21, 2010

Paris...really I am here!

Star date 2010.5.20

When I think of travel just a few years back on those steamer ships I am in awe as I look at the screen in the seat in front of me. It is truly a marvel and we are so fortunate in this day and age to be able to explore distant lands in a matter of hours.

The little screen shows me a global positioning map of where we are flying this very minute and as we pass over Iceland, I can’t help but wonder about that volcano and how it is feeling today. The screen slowly rotates through French and English versions of air speed…548 miles per hour, Altitude…38000 feet, outside temperature -58 degrees….brrr. No wonder I am cold. It also tells me how much longer we have before landing and what time it is in Paris.

So far, I have eaten a nice Kosher dinner of Oriental Chicken and rice, had a glass of French white wine and savored a pack of peanut M&M’s for dessert. Normally after about 4 hours I have had enough when I am on a jet but since I knew it was an almost 10 hour flight from Seattle I have entertained myself a lot. Read some of my book, watched 2 movies and one Sex in the City episode. Time to stand up and walk around . Only 2 ½ hours and we will be over the ocean and in Paris. Can’t wait to get over this jet lag and start my vacation with Steven and the rest of our friends.

Update: I am in Paris! Going to take a nappy pooh now. Just letting you all know I am here and safe staying with my friends Jose and Dominique near the Pantheon Church.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Flight to Paris it is my turn to go to Europe and I am so excited! Waiting to board the plane for Paris and get picked up by Jose at the airport. Photo was taken at SeaTac.
Will post more on the other side when I get my sea legs back.
Till then...keep your channel tuned to this station :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Daniel is traveling tonight on a plane...I can see the red tail lights...heading for Spaaiiin...oh oh and, I can see Steven waving goodbye. (set to Elton John's tune Daniel)
After much anticipation and stress we awoke at 3am Friday morning to make sure Steven was ready for his 3:50am shuttle ride to the airport. He called me from JFK to say he had arrived in NY safely and sent this picture. Cute, huh? He has arrived in Madrid safely and called via Skype to let me know around 12:15am Saturday. Although he could hear me, I couldn't hear him but got the voicemail later. I will continue to update as I hear more from him and as my poor finger allows. For those of you who do not know, I cut it with a rather large knife Tuesday night and had to get stitches in ER. Steven was a trooper holding my hand while I nearly passed out.

Have fun my sweet man and see you soon!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Gearing up for trips

Well...the week is finally here and Steven will be leaving for Spain on Friday the day after I take him to see the Eagles concert in Seattle. We are watching the Iceland volcano closely because it is now threatening air travel in Spain. I leave the following week for Paris so we will see if mother nature wants to cooperate. After a whirlwind trip to Chicago last week to attend Emily and Elliot's wedding it is all starting to feel like a blur. We are looking forward to our individual trips as well as meeting up in Paris to tour the Loire Valley with our friends.

Stay tuned for pictures and more adventures with Teri and Steven!

Ciao for now!