Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Seattle to Sayulita, Mexico...what an adventure!

It was 4am when I awoke and looked at my clock. I could not sleep as I knew our shuttle would be arriving around 5:50am to transport us to SeaTac Airport.

It was snowing as we boarded the plane at 8:30am for our much needed vacation in Mexico. They took their time de-icing the plane which was fine with me but it delayed us by about a half hour. Then there was a medical emergency right after we were pushed away from the gate. An older gentleman who did not look well at all was having heart problems. They pushed us back to the gate, the paramedics came on board and decided to remove him and his wife after assessing the situation. An hour and a half later we were ready to take off amongst a flurry of crying, puking and screaming babies all around us in the back of the plane. I knew how they felt…what a way to start a vacation!

Our B & B is just lovely though and I got my first Margarita and sunburn. It is warm and beautiful down here. About 85 degrees during the day. A much needed break from the cold and intensity of life. I found that my cell phone does not work here so we can be reached through our Host and Hostess at Hacienda de la Costa. Ironically their names are Steve and Terri, they have a green granite counter top in their kitchen almost identical to ours and some of the similarities are down right spooky. Maybe we should be the ones living this life and just don't know it yet...

There are 2 black and white kitties and 3 dogs. Every one of them was a rescue and they are very happy and lucky pets.

This afternoon we walked a long dirt (and sometimes cobblestone) road 45 minutes into town and had a wonderful dinner of Chile Rellenos at the Calypso Restaurant. It is situated at the town square of this charming little village called Sayulita where we could watch all the activity of tourists and locals alike from our bird’s eye view. My favorite was when the horseman road through town with 3 other saddled horses in tow.
Enjoy the pictures until I write again. I would have posted more but they take forever to upload. The one of the snow is at the airport and the sunset was taken as I sat at the B&B bar sipping my drink. Ah…to contemplate my painted toenails and do nothing for a while. This is the life for me!
Teri and Steven

1 comment:

Angela said...

Glad to hear you're having a wonderful time! We're freezing our tookuses off here in frigid Seattle - you picked the perfect week to go. Hope you enjoy Sayulita as much as we did; don't forget to find the crepe lady on the street in the evening - the chocolate banana crepes are to die for!