Thursday, August 28, 2008

Rain, Thunder and Lightening...Oh My!

The first day we arived it was a beautiful day on the Okanagan Lake as you can see from this photo taken of Teri by Steven.
We set up our camp on a nice black tarp out in the middle of the parking space they gave us to camp in. You could fit two freightliners and Steven’s car plus our tent in it. What were they thinking? At least it had two trees we could later tie our tarp to protect the tent. But unfortunately, that was after our first night of intense thunderstorms and sheeting rain. Yep, we woke up to 1 inch of water in our tent at 1:00am and two very soaked sleeping bags. The lightening was pretty impressive and I wish I had my video camera in the tent because it would have made a good U-Tube clip. It was a bit odd and interesting to see Steven hiding in his sleeping bag and yipping with every lightening strike. Oh, I almost forgot, they were doing some night blasting road widening above us and down a couple of miles. Indeed it was a symphony of interesting sounds, though a tad difficult to sleep to.
Everyone we have talked to has said that normally it is sunny and hot here. We just got lucky enough to visit during the only 3 days of August rain in recorded history. Gee, aren't we lucky?
On a sunnier note, we have visited some very beautiful wineries and tasted some great wine. The scenery is spectacular with mountains arising from the lake with vineyards neatly blocked in the choice spots. We have eaten some extremely good food here and have not been disappointed. Our biggest surprise was the Lake Breeze Winery and Restaurant. They prepared a beautiful lunch for us and we walked away very happy with the food and 5 great bottles of wine.
Today we were lucky enough to visit the most spectacular winery, Mission Hill Winery. Sitting atop a beautiful mountain overlooking the lake, its design is Spanish Mission style architecture with an incredible bell tower above the square. It also houses a huge and impressive Mark Chegall weaving which he personally gave as a gift to the owner (his close friend). It now hangs in beautiful hall dedicated in his name.
We are creating this blog from Starbucks just outside of Kelowna and are watching more thunder clouds roll in snapping lightening as they come. Looks like another fun evening in Canada!
Cheers till next time…
Love Teri and Steven

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